Warehouse Block rezoning update

As expected, Walker Properties has filed an application for a rezoning to allow Mirror Twin Brewing to expand into a building across National Avenue from the popular brewpub.

Less expected, Walker Properties is seeking to rezone only the properties that would be directly affected by Mirror Twin’s expansion.

The rezoning application is for 720-742 and 737 National Avenue. If the Planning Commission approves, these properties would be rezoned from B-4 (wholesale and warehouse) to I-1 (light industry.)

The rest of Walker Properties adaptive reuse and redevelopment plan – on Walton, North Ashland and the end of Given – would remain B-4, if the zoning application is approved. Also, fewer homes on Aurora would abut an industrial zone than if the whole area were rezoned.

This proposal comes as a bit of a surprise because the planning staff had recommended rezoning all the Walker properties from business to light industry. However, the Planning Commission sometimes overrules its staff, especially when neighbors support a developer’s plan.

The Walkers also plan to seek conditional zoning, which would exclude some otherwise permissible I-1 uses that are deemed a bad fit for our neighborhood. The conditional zoning document has not yet been filed, and Chad Walker has expressed an eagerness to include the neighborhood’s wishes in the conditional zoning.

The rezoning application and related documents are available on the LFUCG Accela web site. You have to create an account, but it’s not hard.


The rezoning is on the agenda for the MNA board tonight at 7 p.m. at 250 Walton Ave., Suite 150. All neighbors are welcome.

The Planning Commission has scheduled a public hearing on the rezoning at 1:30 p.m. Sept. 23 in council chambers, second floor, 200 East Main Street.  (Click here to download a PDF of the site plan shown above.)


MNA board meeting Wednesday

The board of the Mentelle Neighborhood Association will have a special meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 4, at 250 Walton Ave., Suite 150. Any MNA member is welcome to attend board meetings.

The agenda:

1. MNA response to a proposed rezoning on National Avenue to accommodate an expansion of Mirror Twin Brewing. 
2. Porch Songs neighborhood concert and gathering on Aug. 21.
3. Open discussion

Help Lexington decide how to spend $120 million in rescue funding

Lexington city officials are seeking the public’s priorities and ideas for spending $120 million that city government will receive from the federal government as part of the  American Rescue Plan Act. To give your feedback and ideas, fill out the survey. It and related links are below.

An online survey asking for your input of the top priorities for spending this money is live here.

A document outlining the principles and framework behind the decision making can be found here.

Any and all community members are encouraged to submit project proposals here.

If you need a printable version of the survey, it can be found here and it is also attached (please use the digital version if you can, it makes data collection easier!).

Ask city planner your questions about Warehouse Block rezoning

City planner Hal Baillie will meet with neighbors at 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 27, to discuss the possible rezoning of the Warehouse Block to allow Mirror Twin Brewing’s expansion.

The meeting will be at 250 Walton Avenue, Suite 150. (Back side of the building.)

Mirror Twin hopes to expand its brewing operation into a third building on the south side of National Avenue, across the street from its current location.

Current zoning allows brewpubs but not microbreweries, which is what the third building would be. Therefore, city planners are advising Walker Properties to seek a rezoning of its entire development plan from Wholesale and Warehouse Business (B-4) to Light Industrial (I-1).

This action also would create an opportunity to more closely tailor National Avenue’s future development through a process called conditional zoning: The city could zone out otherwise permitted uses that would be incompatible with our neighborhood and the city’s plans for the area.

A rezoning to I-1 would allow all the uses now permitted in B-4, plus others. Both zones allow uses that would conflict with the adjacent residential neighborhood and the redevelopment of National Avenue in accordance with its adaptive reuse overlay.

It’s important that neighbors participate in this process and make their voices heard.

Here are the relevant sections of Lexington’s zoning ordinance:  https://library.municode.com/ky/lexington-fayette_county/codes/zoning_ordinance?nodeId=ZONING_ORDINANCE_ART8SCZO_S8-21WHWABUZO

Let us know if you want to attend this month’s MNA board meeting

The Mentelle Neighborhood Association board will have its regular monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday (July 21) at 250 Walton Ave. Suite 150 (enter from back parking lot).

One agenda item is a discussion of what industrial/commercial uses neighborhood residents would like to see excluded as a part of the Warehouse Block’s requested rezoning for Mirror Twin Brewery, which is explained in this previous post.

Any MNA member is welcome to attend monthly board meetings. Because this one may be of special interest, we ask that any member wishing to attend email President Ann Olliges (annolliges@gmail.com) in advance to make sure the meeting room is big enough.

Neighborhood feedback needed on National Avenue rezoning request

As some of you know, Mirror Twin Brewing Co. is seeking more room for its brewing operation and wants to expand into a third building on the north side of National Avenue, across the street from its popular brewpub.

This expansion would require a zone change from Wholesale and Warehouse Business (B-4) with an adaptive reuse overlay to Light Industrial (I-1) with an adaptive reuse overlay.

The adaptive reuse overlay, a key to Lexington’s infill and redevelopment efforts, allows brewpubs but not microbreweries. Neither Mirror Twin nor the adjoining residents on Aurora Avenue want food and drink served at the third building, and without that it does not qualify as a brewpub, thus the need for rezoning. The building into which Mirror Twin wants to expand is part of a larger parcel and shares parking and access with other businesses and buildings. City planners have advised Walker Properties to seek rezoning from B-4 to I-1 for all its properties in the Warehouse Block development plan, a large area that has a big impact on our neighborhood.

The I-1 zoning allows everything that’s permitted in B-4 and then some.

Chad Walker of Walker Properties and the owners of Mirror Twin have reached out for the neighborhood’s input.

As part of its application for the rezoning, Walker Properties plans to formally zone out some otherwise permissible uses (for example: heliport, penal institution, metal scrap yard, etc.) that clearly conflict with the company’s plans for the area. If approved by the city council, the exclusions in this conditional zoning would have the force of law and could be reversed in the future only if the property owner goes through the rezoning process, including receiving the city council’s approval.

The MNA board also wants neighbors’ input. Please look at this link to the city’s zoning ordinance. https://library.municode.com/ky/lexington-fayette_county/codes/zoning_ordinance?nodeId=ZONING_ORDINANCE_ART8SCZO_S8-21WHWABUZO

Specifically, consider the permitted and conditional uses in B-4 and I-1. The lists are long and many of the uses would be wrong for our neighborhood and the Warehouse Block.

Which uses in B-4 and I-1 do you think should be zoned out?

Something to keep in mind: The city has a strong aversion to “spot zoning” — or zoning for single projects or very restricted uses. So, for example, we can’t ask for every use except a brewery to be excluded.  We must be judicious and flexible in what we ask for. Still, this is a unique opportunity to tailor both the current and future zoning of this area for the entire neighborhood’s long-term benefit.

Please send your thoughts and feedback to jamiedlucke@gmail.com no later than 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 14, and I will share your thoughts with the MNA board.

Stay tuned to this page for future developments.


A message from Warehouse Block’s owner

Mentelle Neighbors –

Following a preliminary meeting with some Mentelle Board members and Aurora Avenue neighbors, I wanted to offer an update on an upcoming proposed alteration to the Warehouse Block.  Mirror Twin Brewing has been enjoying a slow organic growth since first leasing 725 National Avenue in 2016.  The temporary outdoor area between the two buildings allowed them to weather the COVID storm, with their new focus aimed at the future.

Mirror Twin would like to move its “brewing” operation to 720 National Avenue, which they currently utilize as storage for kegs filled at their brew-pub at 725 National Avenue.  A current oversight in zoning restrictions has forced us onto the path of obtaining a zone change to accommodate this action.  Although this action would not alter any current structures, operations or traffic, in order for Mirror Twin to accommodate their demand, and ultimately stay in the neighborhood, this alteration, as advised by the LFUCG Planning Division, is our only option.

The group that met earlier this week asked to meet at Mirror Twin to discuss the intended operations direct with Head Brewer Derek DeFranco.  Please consider this email an invitation to attend an open meeting for members of the Mentelle Neighborhood Association.  We will meet at my office, located at 250 Walton Avenue, Suite 150 (down the alley next to Willis Klien and around back) at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 29th.  There, I will have the development plan (as currently approved by the LFUCG) and speak briefly about the intent as an effort to “catch-up” anyone who was not in attendance at the first meeting.  Immediately following, at approximately 7 p.m., we will walk to Mirror Twin where Derek will give a tour of his current facility and discuss the usage at the proposed new location.  Mirror Twin has offered to provide beer, and I will provide pizza, to all attendees.   

Please RSVP to Ann or myself so that we know how many folks will be attending.  In the meantime, if you have any questions, please call me anytime.

Have a great weekend.


Chad T Walker

(859) 227-0774

Tree walk is Saturday morning

Let’s gather at 9 a.m. Saturday in the south median of Mentelle Park (the one nearest Richmond Road) for the neighborhood tree walk.

Trees Lexington president Stacy Borden, the University of Kentucky’s grounds manager and arborist, will lead us and answer questions.

If you would like Stacy to advise on a particular tree or site, please email me (jamiedlucke@gmail.com) and we’ll put you on the route.

Neighborhood tree walk is June 26

Mark your calendars!  The long-awaited neighborhood tree walk is set for 9 a.m. Saturday, June 26.

Arborist Stacy Borden, the University of Kentucky’s grounds manager and president of the nonprofit Trees Lexington, will lead the walk.

Stacy can advise us on how to protect our old trees, expand the canopy and support pollinators; he’s an expert on everything from what and how to prune to the public-health benefits of urban trees.

If you want Stacy to see and advise on a certain site or tree/s, email me (jamiedlucke@gmail.com) and we can build the walk around your questions.

Even if you don’t have any tree-planting ambitions, join the walk. Stacy is knowledgeable and personable, and our neighborhood trees in full leaf are a force to behold.

Watch this space for where we will meet to begin the walk.


Yard Sale Saturday is two days away!

Mentelle neighborhood residents wanting to have a yard sale are encouraged to have it Saturday between 8 a.m. and noon.  We are promoting the event with signs and on social media to draw a bigger crowd.

Anyone with yard sale-worthy items they would like to donate to a community table, with proceeds benefitting the Mentelle Neighborhood Association, should bring it to the north end of the Mentelle Park Median between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. and help price and display.  Some pinwheels and balloons will be available there for families wanting to use them to attract attention for their individual yard sale.