Help: Car breakin on Mentelle Park

A note from Mentelle neighborhood resident Whitney Durham:

This is Whitney Durham at 19 Mentelle Park.  Last night I forgot to lock my car and my purse/wallet was taken.  Through the help of our neighbors, most was returned.  I want to thank everyone who helped me this morning and afternoon piece it back together.  If anyone finds other cards with Whitney Durham or Gatterdam on it, if they could return to 19 Mentelle Park that would be great.  Love this neighborhood!❤️

Planning Commission approves negotiated plan for National Avenue rezoning.

Mirror Twin Brewing’s plan to move part of its operation across National Avenue got a green light from the Planning Commission on Sept. 23.

The commission also approved a set of conditions sought by the Mentelle Neighborhood Association aimed at protecting the quality of life for nearby residents.

The conditional zoning approved by the Planning Commission requires that all lighting within 40 feet of residential zoning be no more than 12 feet and directed downward. It also bans outdoor amplified speakers at 720-740 National Avenue, the area that adjoins backyards on Aurora Avenue.

Also prohibited was a long list of other uses that ordinarily would be allowed in a light-industrial zone but that would be incompatible with our neighborhood.

The conditional zoning and rezoning from Wholesale and Warehouse (B-4) to Light Industrial (I-1) applies to the current Mirror Twin complex and the adjoining parking and also to 720-740 National Avenue on the south side of National Avenue.

Click here to see a video of the Planning Commission’s discussion and vote.


Want to serve your neighborhood?

The Mentelle Neighborhood Association elects all officers and board members for one-year terms at its annual membership meeting. This year’s annual meeting is planned for 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 27. (It hasn’t been determined yet whether it will be in-person, virtual or hybrid.)

We anticipate having at least one vacancy on the board to fill. If you would like to run for a board seat or office, please email MNA Secretary Tom Eblen.

MNA board meeting Wednesday

The Mentelle Neighborhood Association’s board of directors will have its regular monthly meeting Wednesday, Sept. 15. Because of the rise in COVID-19 cases, the board will be meeting on Zoom. Any MNA member is welcome to attend. If you would like at attend, email Tom Eblen for the link.

ADU information meeting Wednesday

Photo: City of Lexington

The Mentelle Neighborhood Association is hosting a meeting that will include Council Member Hannah LeGris and a member of the city’s planning staff to discuss a proposal to allow auxiliary dwelling units, or ADUs, in Lexington neighborhoods.

The meeting will be at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 1, at the home of Jim Ryder, 716 Aurora Ave. There will be plenty of time for questions and comments from Mentelle neighborhood residents.

For background information about ADUs, as well as news coverage and opinion pieces about the proposal, click on this issues page on


Porch Songs was a big success

Thanks to everyone who planned and came out Saturday evening for Mentelle Neighborhood’s first Porch Songs. Special thanks to our hosts, Hannah and Cory Maples, the members of the Lexington Chamber Orchestra who performed and Sav Savane, who brought his ice cream truck.

Former MNA officer Linda Worley dies

Linda Kraus Worley, an active member, board member and former vice president of the Mentelle Neighborhood Association, has died after a long battle with a rare leukemia. After Linda and her husband, Jeff Worley, moved to Aurora Avenue a few years ago, she became an important neighborhood leader, always ready with good ideas for improving this area and a willingness to work to see them through. She will be missed. Condolences to Jeff, his brother, Michael Worley, who also lives in the neighborhood, and their family. Click here to read her full obituary in the Lexington Herald-Leader.