Treasurer Richard Coles reported that the association has $6,105 at Peoples Exchange Bank, of which $1,530 is earmarked for landscape repairs to the Mentelle Park Median. (Those funds came from Kentucky American Water Co., whose contractors contributed to the damage.) He also reported that the association has 81 lifetime members and 7 annual memberships that are expiring. He said the MNA can now accept payments by PayPal, allowing for membership application and payment via the website.
Board Member Elaine Cook spoke about her work planting trees in the neighborhood and her recent organization of a workshop about caring for our street trees led by the Urban Forest Initiative. She also said that $600 left over from the 2017 neighborhood street tree plantings will be used to plant new trees on the Mentelle Park median and that a tree at Ashland School will be included in the 2017 Street Tree Project.
Social Secretary Jessica Mohler talked about 2017 social events, including the Easter egg hunt and the chocolate and wine event at Ruth Hunt Candies.
Board Member Bethany Baxter introduced candidates for the nine board positions and asked if any other names should be added to the election slate. Nobody put their name forward, so Bethany distributed ballots and every household present got a vote. Votes were counted and these people were elected:
- President: Ann Olliges
- Vice President: Linda Worley
- Secretary: Tom Eblen
- Treasurer: Richard Coles
- At-large board members: Jessica Mohler, Katie Martin, Shelby Reynolds, Bethany Baxter and John Helfenberger.
Elaine Cook withdrew her nomination for re-election to the board because of time constraints, but she graciously agreed to continue working on neighborhood tree projects.
Past President Shelley Fortune spoke about how she needed to resign the presidency in May after her husband was deployed in the military. She also discussed plans for organizing a home and garden tour in the summer of 2018 as an MNA fundraiser.
Sam Rock described his idea for the neighborhood to adopt a flag design that neighbors might enjoy flying from their porches. He had seen the idea in an Atlanta suburb where he used to live.
Linda Worley spoke about a Nov. 5 history program planned at the Bell House. Janie-Rice Brother, a senior architectural historian at UK, will speak about architecture in the neighborhood. Linda also said she and Shelby Reynolds are preparing an update to the Mentelle Field Guide. This neighborhood directory update will be issued as an insert. Any updates, edits or new members should get their information to Linda or Shelby as soon as possible.
Shelby spoke about the ongoing noise problems coming from Cosmic Charlie’s on National Avenue and what has been done to try to mitigate them. He reported that Cosmic Charlie’s has been citied for three noise ordinance violations and paid fines of $250 for each event.
Former Secretary Liz Reucroft, a member of the Ashland Elementary School PTA, thanked neighbors for donating time and money to build a new playground. She added that the school is having its Fall Festival on Nov. 3. The festival is open to the public, so please come and support our neighborhood school.
Bill Fortune spoke about speed tables being installed on Bullock Avenue. Similar speed tables can be seen on Richmond Avenue. He described the process for getting them, but he warned that the city officials sometimes don’t approve them because they make access more difficult for emergency vehicles.