Lexington’s Division of Water Quality has begun replacing sanitary sewer lines on both sides of the north end of Mentelle Park in advance of another project to update storm sewer lines in the neighborhood.
“We found that the 6” VCP sewer was in poor condition and being aware of the storm project looking to get into the area as well we thought we would upsize the line from 6” to 8” and put cleanouts for everyone in the sidewalks,” said Chris Begley, a division manager. “We should be out of the area by March if weather holds out and no other problems occur.”
Here is a map Begley provided showing the sanitary sewer replacement area:

Meanwhile, the city has finished its analysis of longtime stormwater flooding problems in and around Mentelle Park.
“There are two storm water systems that drain Mentelle Park, a North System and a South System,” said Craig Morgan, a senior municipal engineer. “The consultant was tasked to develop two solutions for each system. The consultant recommended Alternate 1, which runs along Cramer Avenue on the north and through the neighborhoods on the south side. These two alignments are being carried further into the current detailed design phase”
Click here to view and download two maps showing the proposed work, which is now under design using Alternative 1. You can read and download a copy of the full consultant’s report by clicking here.
Morgan and Mark Sanders, the Division of Water Quality’s engineering section manager, discussed the project at the annual Mentelle Neighborhood Association membership meeting in November. Another public meeting will be scheduled this spring when the consultant is about 30 percent done with construction plans for the North Phase of the project, Morgan said.
“The reason for the public meeting is to garner as much input as we can to make these the best plans to complete the project,” he said.