Mentelle potluck picnic is Sunday!

The annual Mentelle neighborhood potluck picnic is Sunday, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Mentelle Park median nearest Cramer Avenue. All Mentelle neighborhood residents and business owners and their families are welcome to attend. (We were sorry to have to postpone it from last Sunday, but this week’s sunny and warm forecast looks much better!)

The Mentelle Neighborhood Association will provide plates and utensils, as well as ice water, iced tea and lemonade. But we’re asking each person / family to bring a dish or two to share — meats, vegetables, salads, fruits and desserts. This is a great time to impress your neighborhood with your specialty dish.  If you’re not a great cook, a bucket of fried chicken would be just fine! Also bring any additional beverages you desire.

We will have a limited number of tables, so you might want to bring a lawn chair, too. We had a great turnout last year, and we hope to see everyone there again this year.

If you haven’t signed up to bring a dish, please click here to do that.