Potluck picnic postponed a week

The Mentelle Neighborhood Association board has decided to postpone the neighborhood potluck picnic a week, to next Sunday, Oct. 6.  The Lexington area is expected to get significant rain for the next three days as Hurricane Helene comes ashore on the Gulf Coast of Florida.

Please keep the people in seriously affected areas in your thoughts and prayers, and we hope to see everyone next Sunday at 5 p.m. in the Mentelle Park median. If you haven’t signed up to bring a dish, please click here to do that.

Neighborhood potluck is Sept. 29

The annual Mentelle neighborhood picnic will be 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday, September 29 in the north median of Mentelle Park (nearest to Cramer Ave.)  Last year’s potluck format was so successful, we’ve decided to do it again.

The association will provide plates and utensils, as well as ice water, iced tea and lemonade. But we’re asking each person / family to bring a dish or two to share — meats, vegetables, salads, fruits and desserts. This is a great time to impress your neighborhood with your specialty dish.  If you’re not a great cook, a bucket of fried chicken would be just fine! Also bring any additional beverages you desire.

We will have a limited number of tables, so you might want to bring a lawn chair, too. There will be some toys and games for kids of all ages. We had a great turnout last year, and we hope to see everyone there again this year.

If you plan to attend, please click here to sign up and tell us what you will be bringing.

The Home & Garden Tour is Sunday!

The Mentelle Home & Garden Tour is Sunday, Sept. 15, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The tour begins on the Mentelle Park median next to Cramer Avenue. Tickets are $10 cash or $12 with card. Proceeds go to support neighborhood activities organized by the Mentelle Neighborhood Association.

We have seven properties on this year’s tour:

17 Mentelle Park

18 Mentelle Park

42 Mentelle Park

144 North Hanover Avenue

176 North Ashland Avenue

717 Hambrick Avenue

210 Walton Avenue

Home & Garden Tour is Sept. 15!

Reminder that the 2024 Mentelle Neighborhood Home and Garden Tour is coming up on Sunday Sept. 15 from 1-5 p.m.! We are still in need of volunteers to monitor the homes. If interested, please email laurabeth.griffith@gmail.com. Volunteers get free admission to the homes/gardens prior to the tour! Also, please spread the good word! Here is the Facebook event to share with your contacts and attached is the flyer!