Easter Egg Hunt Saturday at 10 a.m.


We look forward to seeing all Mentelle Neighborhood residents and their families tomorrow, Saturday, at 10 a.m. for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Thanks to the generosity of our neighbors, we have more than 650 eggs this year!

We will gather in between the two medians closest to Cramer Avenue. Complimentary Nate’s Coffee and Spalding’s Bakery donuts will be available. We will also have temporary tattoos for anyone who would like to partake. Then, kids aged 5-10 will hunt on the first median (closest to Cramer) and those younger than 5 will hunt on the second median.

We do see a forecast for some rain this evening and early tomorrow morning, so expect that the grass will be wet. But hopefully the weather will be clear in time for the event.

If you live on Mentelle Park, please take a few minutes today to pick up sticks and other debris from the median in front of your home so no little ones get hurt. We appreciate your help!

See you at the hunt!