The Columbia Gas pipeline replacement project is progressing. Testing on the mainline on North Ashland and Cramer will be done next week. Crews will also be posting No Parking signs along Mentelle Park next week in preparation for the new mainline installation there.
Month: April 2022
More photos from the Easter Egg hunt
Janet Howard sent some nice photos from the Easter Egg hunt April 16. Enjoy!
Neighborhood flower sale under way

The annual flower sale has begun at Heritage Baptist Church, 163 N. Ashland Ave. The sale features a wide selection of hanging baskets and bedding plants. The sale is until 6 p.m. today, 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Saturday. Come get some great plants and support one of our neighborhood’s three houses of worship.
Thanks for a great median cleanup!
The Mentelle median had a very successful work day this morning! Thanks to a great team, almost all the beds are weeded and mulched, and progress has been made on cleaning out the natural garden. A big thank you to the following neighbors for donating more than 30 hours of sweat equity: Ray and Jill DeBolt, Tom Eblen, Krista Giancarlo, Janet Howard, Tom Lillich, Vikki Mitchell, Barb Wagner, Shirley Warren. Also, thanks to Gil Dunn for the use of his trailer to haul mulch.
Reminder: Median cleanup today

MNA board meeting Wednesday
The Mentelle Neighborhood Association’s board of directors will have its regular monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday (April 20) at the Children’s Advocacy Center of the Bluegrass, 162 N. Ashland Ave. (Meeting room entrance is around back of the main building.) Any MNA member is welcome to attend.
Median cleanup Saturday morning

Thank you for a wonderful Mentelle Easter egg hunt!

Easter Egg Hunt Saturday at 10 a.m.
We look forward to seeing all Mentelle Neighborhood residents and their families tomorrow, Saturday, at 10 a.m. for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Thanks to the generosity of our neighbors, we have more than 650 eggs this year!
We will gather in between the two medians closest to Cramer Avenue. Complimentary Nate’s Coffee and Spalding’s Bakery donuts will be available. We will also have temporary tattoos for anyone who would like to partake. Then, kids aged 5-10 will hunt on the first median (closest to Cramer) and those younger than 5 will hunt on the second median.
We do see a forecast for some rain this evening and early tomorrow morning, so expect that the grass will be wet. But hopefully the weather will be clear in time for the event.
If you live on Mentelle Park, please take a few minutes today to pick up sticks and other debris from the median in front of your home so no little ones get hurt. We appreciate your help!
See you at the hunt!
Warehouse Block Business Association Advisory Board Update – Candidate Forums
The Warehouse Block Business Association (WBBA) Advisory Board will meet this Thursday, April 14, at 4:30 p.m. at Mirror Twin Brewing. In addition, the WBBA is excited to offer the first of several candidate forums to be held inside the Warehouse Block leading up to the Primary election on May 17.
The first forum will be held at Mirror Twin Brewing on Monday, April 18, from 5:30 until 7:00 p.m. This forum will feature Council-at-Large hopeful, Mr. Dan Wu. Dan was born in China, immigrating to America as a child. He landed in Lexington just in time to attend Henry Clay High School and the University of Kentucky. Although Dan has followed several unique career paths, his most notable came as a contestant on Fox’s Master Chef in 2014. That exposure prompted him to delve deeper into his passion for cooking, dubbing himself a “Culinary Evangelist,” with the successful launch of a pop-up food stand and then later opening Atomic Ramen at the Summit.
Dan’s passion for activism can be seen across Lexington with campaigns he originated including “I am a Kentuckian,” and “Immigrants and Refugees Belong Here.” WBBA is proud to co-host the meet-and-greet event that will take place in a casual format where you can engage with the candidate directly. In the meantime, please check out his website, along with his social media pages.
Hope to see everyone there!