Gas line replacement begins in January

Columbia Gas says it and its contractor, Miller Pipeline, will begin replacing natural gas main and service lines in much of Mentelle Neighborhood in January, weather permitting.

In addition to replacing pipelines, the company will be relocating any remaining inside gas meters outside. The gas company provided the map above with the planned work area in blue. Click here to download  an informational flyer about the project provided by Columbia Gas. The flyer has a contact number you can call with questions.

And the decoration contest winner is ….

From contest coordinator Esther Hurlburt:

Toy drum roll, please …  Members of the Mentelle Neighborhood Association have voted the home of Melissa and Jeremy Miller at 709 Aurora Ave. as winner of the Holiday Decorating Contest!  A basket of goodies provided by Warehouse Block will be delivered to their home!

Thanks to all who entered and voted.

709 Aurora Ave. Photos by Tom Eblen, Jamie Lucke.



Last chance to vote for the best decorations!

Tuesday at 10 p.m. is the deadline for casting your vote for the Mentelle neighborhood’s best holiday decorations and lights. We have seven entries:
  • 708 Franklin
  • 827 Cramer
  • 808 Aurora
  • 709 Aurora
  • 931 Aurora
  • 346 Memory Lane
  • 41 Mentelle Park

Rules of voting are based on trust:

  • You must be a member of MNA in order to vote.  If you’re not a member, you can join before you vote by signing up here.
  • We will accept only one vote per household.
  • All votes must be submitted by Tuesday, December 21 at 10 p.m.
  • Submit your vote to Esther Hurlburt at

The prize will be announced on Wednesday, December 22.  The winner will receive a basket of goodies from Warehouse Block merchants.

Get out in the neighborhood tonight and tomorrow evening and join in the fun!

Vote in the MNA decoration contest!

We have seven entries in our holiday lights and decorations contest.  Join in the merriment by wandering through our neighborhood to enjoy each home’s expression of holiday cheer.  Our entrants are:

  • 708 Franklin
  • 827 Cramer
  • 808 Aurora
  • 709 Aurora
  • 931 Aurora
  • 346 Memory Lane
  • 41 Mentelle Park

Rules of voting are based on trust:

  • You must be a member of MNA in order to vote.  If you’re not a member, you can join before you vote by signing up here.
  • We will accept only one vote per household.
  • All votes must be submitted by Tuesday, December 21 at 10 p.m.
  • Submit your vote to Esther Hurlburt at

The prize will be announced on Wednesday, December 22.  The winner will receive a basket of goodies from Warehouse Block merchants.

Join the fun!

Monday is the deadline for entering the MNA holiday decoration contest

Monday (Dec. 13) is the deadline for entering the Mentelle Neighborhood Association’s second annual holiday decoration contest. To enter, a note to Esther Hurlburt at

There will be one grand prize for the home judged to have the best decorations: a gift basket donated by Warehouse Block businesses. The rules are simple:

You must be a MNA member to enter the contest.  If you qualify but are not a member, you may join here.

MNA will give members a map of all of the contest entrants.  You are encouraged to walk through the neighborhood to view the entries.  MNA members will determine which home has the best decorations.  Voting is limited to one vote per household.

Votes will be accepted from Dec. 13 to Dec. 22.  Send your vote to Esther Hurlburt at

The grand prize will be delivered to the winning household.

Enjoy the fun!  Bundle up!  Walk through the neighborhood and spread the holiday cheer.

Enter the holiday decoration contest!


From board member Esther Hurlburt:

It’s time to decorate for the holiday season.  Put on your lights and decorations and join the fun of the holiday decorating contest.  There will be one grand prize for the home judged to have the best decorations: a gift basket donated by Warehouse Block businesses. The rules are simple:

You must be a MNA member to enter the contest.  If you qualify but are not a member, you may join here.

The entry deadline is Monday, Dec. 13.  Send a note that you would like to enter the contest to Esther Hurlburt at

MNA will give its members a map of all of the contest entrants.  You are encouraged to walk through the neighborhood to view the entries.  MNA members will determine which home has the best decorations.  Voting is limited to one vote per household.

Votes will be accepted from Dec. 13 to Dec. 22.  Send your vote to Esther Hurlburt at

The grand prize will be delivered to the winning household.

Enjoy the fun!  Bundle up!  Walk through the neighborhood and spread the holiday cheer.