1 Mentelle Park Unit F — Barbara Wagner Shiny ornaments on bare branches cut through the gloom of a winter’s day.
24 Mentelle Park — Clark Lester and Logan Wilson An angelic trio looks down on a wonderland of color and light.
25 Mentelle Park — Selma and Eddie Owens Classic and Classy.
41 Mentelle Park — Kate Smith Jupiter and Saturn have nothing on these shining heavenly bodies. Or the brilliant reindeer (Florence Lightengale) ready to spring into flight.
42 Mentelle Park — Jill and Ray DeBolt If we had a pretty arched attic window, we’d decorate it too.
709 Aurora Ave. — Jeremy and Melissa Miller Wow! Just wow!
718 Aurora Ave. — Bethany Baxter and Willie Davis Evergreens and white lights on a cozy cottage brighten the night.
808 Aurora Ave. — Helen Martin Gotta love a holiday parrot in winter. Or is it a toucan?
809 Aurora Ave. — Erin (Crum) Johnson Keep your mitts off the boxes and bows. That nutcracker soldier could land some hard blows.
728 Bullock Place — Tracy and Pat Davis Lush evergreens and a candle’s gleam in every window make this a home for the holidays.
145 N. Hanover Ave. — Steven and Justine Pickarski Deck the porch, door, windows, shrubs and tree, ’tis the season to be jolly.
312 Hanover Court — Chris and Mercedes Harn Red-bowed wreaths and icicle lights, these are a few of our favorite sights.
811 East Main St. — Kendall Peaks Wherefore art thou, Santa Claus? The balcony is decorated and awaits your reindeer paws.