The Carnegie Center for Literacy & Learning has graciously loaned the association a paid Zoom account for the meeting. To join the meeting, use this link and passcode:
Passcode: 440086
Members also may join the meeting by telephone. To join, call this number: (929) 205 6099 and use the meeting ID: 824 9320 5568.
Officers and board members serve one-year terms. A nominating committee headed by Shelby Reynolds has put together a proposed slate of officers and directors. Nominations also can be made during the meeting.
The proposed slate is as follows (* indicates incumbent):
President: Ann Olliges *
Vice President: Jamie Lucke (currently an at-large director)
Secretary: Tom Eblen *
Treasurer: Todd Davis *
At-large Directors:
Kim Naujokas *
Shelby Reynolds *
Will Jones *
Hannah Ruehl
Esther Hurlburt
In addition to the election of officers, we will discuss ideas for pandemic-appropriate social functions in the coming months, get an update on the Warehouse Block from the development’s president, Chad Walker, and discuss any neighborhood issues on the minds of members.
If you live or operate a business in Mentelle Neighborhood but are not a member of the association, click here to join.