Entry deadline is December 5, and decorations will be judged after December 16. Click here to download the entry form, and good luck!
Mentelle Neighborhood Association
Lexington, Kentucky
Entry deadline is December 5, and decorations will be judged after December 16. Click here to download the entry form, and good luck!
Attendees unanimously elected the proposed slate of officers: president, Ann Olliges; vice president, Jamie Lucke; secretary, Tom Eblen; treasurer, Todd Davis; and at-large directors, Kim Naujokas, Shelby Reynolds, Will Jones, Hannah Ruehl and Esther Hurlburt. Also, former Vice President Linda Worley was elected as at-large director emerita.
Treasurer Todd Davis reported that the association has $6,819.67 in the bank, including $862 earmarked for Mentelle Park median care and improvements. (That money is what remains of a $1,500 Kentucky American Water Co. donation several years ago. It was compensation for damage incurred to the median during a water main replacement project.)
After several members remarked favorably on Halloween porch and yard decorations around the neighborhood, there was discussion about having a neighborhood porch decoration contest for the holidays. Esther Hurlburt plans to bring ideas for that to the monthly board meeting next Wednesday (Nov. 18) at 7 p.m. (That meeting also will be conducted via Zoom. All MNA members are welcome to attend board meetings. If you wish to attend, please email Tom Eblen beforehand to get login information.)
Chad Walker, whose company owns the Warehouse Block, provided an update on the development along National Avenue and adjacent streets. He said two tenants have moved out this year — Local’s restaurant and Decorator’s Warehouse — and four new businesses have moved in. The new businesses are: StableDuel (an online gaming and event space), Blush and Glow (a one-stop bridal and consulting shop), Parkway Developers (a property management company) and Walker Properties, which owns the Warehouse Block.
“Our space, located just behind Dapple (near Eppings) will be completed in early December,” he said of the Walker Properties office. ” Our spot will house our day-to-day office operations, but will also include a large conference room and event space that, once restrictions lift, can be utilized by both the Mentelle Neighborhood and Warehouse Block as a meeting spot.”
Walker also noted that five new Warehouse Block tenants have passed their one-year anniversary, which means they will pay $50 each to become Mentelle Neighborhood Association lifetime members: Balance Creative, 250 Walton Ave., Suite 160; Reach Fitness, 726 National Ave.; Empowered Flow, 740 National Ave., Suite 130; Wildfire Yoga, 833 National Ave.; and Harmony Day School, 839 National Ave., Suite 110.
Progress toward breaking ground on the 737 National Ave. lot (between Mirror Twin and Crossfit Maximus) is moving forward, he said. The development plan has been amended and approved by the city, and final drawings should be completed by year’s end.
Walker said he has a letter of intent for a new tenant to occupy the former Locals’ building. They are hoping to finalize plans in the spring. “Although the tenants have asked us not to publicize their business yet, I can promise that it will be an amazing addition to the neighborhood,” he said.
Please email Chad Walker if you have any questions about Warehouse Block.
Linda Angelo of North Hanover Avenue expressed concern about the appearance of an internet utility substation on the street near Cramer Avenue. She plans to approach the utility, the property owner and city officials about options for screening. She and other concerned neighbors plan to gather at the site Friday at 4:30 p.m. to discuss it.
The Carnegie Center for Literacy & Learning has graciously loaned the association a paid Zoom account for the meeting. To join the meeting, use this link and passcode:
Passcode: 440086
Members also may join the meeting by telephone. To join, call this number: (929) 205 6099 and use the meeting ID: 824 9320 5568.
Officers and board members serve one-year terms. A nominating committee headed by Shelby Reynolds has put together a proposed slate of officers and directors. Nominations also can be made during the meeting.
The proposed slate is as follows (* indicates incumbent):
President: Ann Olliges *
Vice President: Jamie Lucke (currently an at-large director)
Secretary: Tom Eblen *
Treasurer: Todd Davis *
At-large Directors:
Kim Naujokas *
Shelby Reynolds *
Will Jones *
Hannah Ruehl
Esther Hurlburt
In addition to the election of officers, we will discuss ideas for pandemic-appropriate social functions in the coming months, get an update on the Warehouse Block from the development’s president, Chad Walker, and discuss any neighborhood issues on the minds of members.
If you live or operate a business in Mentelle Neighborhood but are not a member of the association, click here to join.
Free slightly damaged new books and advance reader copies of recent releases on the front porch at 52 Mentelle Park. (No children’s books this time. Sorry.)