It’s time for neighborhood associations to seek matching grants from city government. The deadline for applying is August 7, and we’d like to hear ideas and feedback from MNA members.
A pollinator-friendly project — perhaps a Monarch butterfly way station — is one possibility that some of the officers have discussed.
Eligible projects include street trees, cleanups, sidewalk repairs (but not adjacent to private property), and re-using vacant buildings. Click here for details: https://www.lexingtonky.gov/neighborhood-action-match-program-namp
The improvements must be open to the public.
The government awards up to $10,000 which the neighborhood must match with cash, donated supplies or volunteer labor and services.
We hope to have more info to share after a Zoom training next week. Feel free to join the training at 10 a.m. Wednesday, July 22, to walk through the on-line application process. Access the Zoom meeting by clicking https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86105328042 or connect through audio by calling 1-301-715-8592 using meeting ID 86105328042 on the date of meeting.
Please email ideas or thoughts about a pollinator project to Jamie Lucke at jamiedlucke@gmail.com.