Mentelle Median work days planned

Mentelle Neighborhood Association
Lexington, Kentucky
If you are within the neighborhood boundaries and have any interest in having your home and/or garden on the tour, please contact Shelby Reynolds at reybart88@yahoo.com no later than May 31. We would like to have six-to-eight properties for the tour. We also want a wide variety of homes and gardens — large to small, simple to elaborate — showing the diversity of our neighborhood.
The neighborhood’s first tour, in September 2014, was very successful. It attracted about 400 attendees and raised more than $3,000 for neighborhood activities and projects.
Thanks to everyone to organized and came out for this morning’s annual Mentelle neighborhood Easter egg hunt and plant swap. Despite the damp, chilly weather, everyone seemed to have a great time. Special thanks to our neighborhood businesses — Nate’s Coffee, Epping’s Bakery and Spalding’s Bakery — for refreshments. (Click on any photo to see slide show.)
Mentelle neighborhood residents are encouraged to attend Ashland Elementary School’s Gallery Hop late this afternoon in the Warehouse Block, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Start by coming to Varsity Print, 728 National Ave., at 4:30 to pick up a brochure with a map of student art exhibit locations and a schedule of musical and talent performances. Rolling Oven Pizza is offering pepperoni and cheese slices for $5, and there will be a live auction at 6 p.m. at Mirror Twin Brewing.
See the attached flyer for more details. Come out this afternoon and support our neighborhood school and businesses!
However, the weather forecast for Saturday calls for rain. We hope that will change. Watch for email updates Saturday morning from this site, or look on the Mentelle Neighborhood page on Facebook, to see if we need to push back the 10 a.m. start time or cancel the event. Keep your fingers crossed.
This month, the board will meet on the usual day and time (7 p.m. Wednesday, April 17) but at the Children’s Advocacy Center of the Bluegrass, 162 N. Ashland Ave., so board members can learn more about this social service agency whose headquarters is in our neighborhood. As always, any association member is welcome to attend.
More plastic Easter eggs filled with candy are needed for Saturday’s Mentelle neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt and plant swap, which begins at 10 a.m. Please bring eggs (preferably filled) by Wednesday to 800 Aurora Ave. and place them in the bin on the front porch. Thanks, and we hope to see you there!