Neighborhood resident named state poet laureate for 2019-2020

Mentelle Neighborhood Association
Lexington, Kentucky
All Mentelle neighborhood residents are invited to a wine tasting social on Monday, March 18, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at ARTplay Children’s Studio, 309 N. Ashland Ave. No. 190.
Gary Doernberg of Corner Wine (835 Euclid Ave.) will be presenting tastings from his stock. Rolling Oven (724 National Ave. inside Mirror Twin Brewery) will provide snacks.
A $5 donation is requested to help cover the cost of wine.
This is a great opportunity for adults in the neighborhood to socialize with neighbors and become more familiar with some of our fine locally owned businesses.
MNA board member Shelby Reynolds of Morningside Woodcrafters, 718 National Ave., has built a new neighborhood news bulletin board that is now posted on the back of the Little Free Library outside Ashland Elementary School. Watch the board for the latest news and events!