The meeting will include a recap of the past year’s activities, a discussion of plans for the next year, an opportunity for members to contribute ideas and express concerns, and the election of officers and board members for the coming year.
Over the summer, Shelly Fortune stepped down as president because of added family and professional responsibilities. The board elected Ann Olliges to serve out Shelly’s term. Ann took the lead in organizing the neighborhood yard sale July 22 and the neighborhood picnic Sept. 17. Ann will be seeking a full term, and other officers are seeking re-election. But Shelly and Elaine Cook are not seeking re-election to the board, which leaves two board vacancies.
All offices and board seats are up for re-election annually, and any association member is eligible to submit his or her name for the ballot. If you are interested in running for the board or a specific office, please email secretary Tom Eblen no later than 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 15, to have your name included on the ballot. Nominations also may be made from the floor.