Update on Cosmic Charlie’s issues

MNA Board member Shelby Reynolds and Vice President Linda Worley had a productive meeting with one of the owners of Cosmic Charlie’s and two of the club’s sound men. They were very receptive to hearing about the noise issues and want to work to ameliorate the noise. Based on input we had received from neighbors, we were able to come up with a plan of action:

1. Cosmic Charlie’s will be putting up a sound curtain in front of the garage door facing National Avenue. The curtain will be lowered and the garage door closed when music is playing.

2. Cosmic Charlie’s will be monitoring the sounds on the streets and collecting data. In particular, they are interested in figuring out which acts, types of bands, etc. cause the most disturbance. 

3. They also would like neighbors to continue to collect data. Please send dates, times, and a short description of noise disturbances to Shelby Reynolds at reybart88@yahoo.com.  Shelby will be our point person collecting the data and giving it to Cosmic Charlie’s management.

4. Based on the data, Cosmic Charlie’s will plan on future noise reduction measures, for example, baffling. They also plan to use this data when they talk with musicians.

You also may send ideas to any MNA board members. Names and e-mails are in the Mentelle Neighborhood Field Guide and here.

MNA February board meeting news

The Mentelle Neighborhood Association board met at 7 p.m. on Feb. 15 at Local’s on National Avenue. Here are the highlights:
  • The board discussed numerous complaints received from residents of the 700 block of Aurora Avenue about loud music late at night coming from Cosmic Charlie’s on National Avenue. A board member will meet with the club’s owners to figure out the best way to eliminate the problem.
  • A new neighborhood Field Guide (a directory of dues-paying association members) is being distributed to members. Thanks to advertising revenue, this directory was produced at a profit of $200. Periodic addenda will be distributed with updates, corrections and additions. Please email Vice President Linda Worley with any changes to your information. To protect members’ privacy, there will not be an online version of the directory.
  • If you are not included in the directory but want to be, please join the association or renew your membership. (The neighborhood boundaries are roughly East Main Street, Walton Avenue, National Avenue and Mentelle Park.)
  • The board voted to donate $1,000 to the Ashland Elementary School PTA for use toward a new playground.
  • The association now has 104 members. So far, 93 people have signed up for emailed updates from this website.

If you have any questions, please email President Shelly Fortune or Secretary Tom Eblen.

Board meetings are usually held at 7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month. Any Mentelle Neighborhood resident is welcome to attend, but please check with President Shelly Fortune in advance for the location. The board has been meeting at various businesses in the neighborhood in search of a good permanent site.